Sunday, July 6, 2008

It's been crazy, but I'm back... I hope!

I'd like to say sorry to my friends and family who have been checking here now and then... I have been silent for a long time, due to being tied up with work, part-time design jobs, and family issues. It's true what they say that when it rains, it definitely pours!

I have been trying to keep my head above the water with the work stuff (been losing sleep!). Though I can't share everything here right now, I promise I will be spilling it out in my next posts in the following days. One problem with me is, I have a one-track mind- when I have a project, or when I'm occupied with something, I doggedly pursue that till the end and can't be bothered by anything else. I'm not so good with multi-tasking! When I'm busy with one thing, everything else tends to fade into oblivion, even those that needs my most immediate attention. This is a flaw, I know. A bad habit that's so hard to break.

Needless to say, there will be changes in this blog soon. I have recently gotten back to my artistic roots (which have for soooo long taken a backseat in favor of my writing) and I have found an avenue that can be quite beneficial to me, financially speaking (ahem!). Y'all know about it soon enough.

For now, I'm going to have to keep this one short. Just wanted to let you know guys that I'm still blogging here. Although for a while there, I feared that I might have to set up another blog account as I forgot my username to this blog! That's definitely a neon sign that says I've been gone from the blogging world long enough :-)


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