Sunday, May 18, 2008


When I started this blog, I aimed to post entries here at least three times a week, but this week I have been sort of swamped with work and health issues.

For one, the erratic weather has been hard on my sinuses, and I wake up sneezing a lot in the mornings with itchy, watery eyes the rest of the day and pounding headache at night.

It's the tail end of summer right now in the Philippines and the throbbing heat seems to be in a tug-of-war with the rainy season. This push-pull between the dry and rainy seasons, resulting to sudden changes in temperature and humidity, is simply maddening.

I also finished this week an already long overdue design work for a colleague in the media. I admit that I have been procrastinating on this one, aside from reasons of technical issues. My desktop PC's motherboard got fried (again) earlier this year. However, soon as I had the m'board replaced, my printer followed suit. But after I got that fixed, that's when procrastination set in. Somehow, it just got buried under more recent things-to-do's. So finally I got to put closure on this one.

Here is the final design:

Of course, I "scratched" out the name and contact details to protect his privacy.

My client wanted his card to look simple and professional, so I avoided putting a lot of colors and graphics in it. Besides, you don't really want to crowd your business card with too much text and visuals. Keep it understated.

Your card should reflect only the important details that you want your potential customers or networks to know, which basically, are: your name, where you work, what you do and how to reach you. Other than that, if they really want to know more then they can contact you, which is the whole point in handing out business cards in the first place, right?

Tip: If you would like to whip up your own business card but don't want to start from scratch, then you can visit this site which offers links to various websites that offer biz card templates for free.

Just be sure that you are downloading the right file compatible to your program and OS (whether Pagemaker or Quark and Mac or Windows).

Some of the downloads come with a PDF how-to file that you can check out before working on the templates.


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