Saturday, May 10, 2008

To my Mom

I am my Mother's daughter. I admit there were (and are) times I wish I wasn't, especially when she's driving me crazy to the point I feel like pulling my hair out, but what can I say? She's my Mother. The woman who would fight tooth and nails for me and my Dad. The woman who took care of me (still does), raised me (still does, I think) and loves me. She's half of the reason why I'm always aiming high at whatever I do, and also half of the reason why I am who I am now.

To write about my Mom will require way more space than what blogspot can offer me. Seriously. My Mother is a unique person, one of those rare, probably dying breed of women who are strong-willed with a lot of guts and gumption and a quicksilver tongue that doesn't hold back nor mince words. She's one of those people who you either love or hate. It took almost 30 years for me to fully understand why my Mom is the way she is, and I am so thankful now that she's the way she is.

Back in my immature teenage years, there were so many times I wish I could swap Moms with my friends, particularly the ones whose Mothers allow them to go hang out with their friends till late at night. But when I got into my 20's, I finally realized that had my Mom not been as strict as she was with me back then, who knows how or where I would have ended up. Probably pregnant and married to a bum, or pregnant and not married, or both- pregnant and a bum.

Now, I know my Mom will never be able to read what I've posted here (the only thing she knows about computers is that it's called one and that's it). This is just my way of shouting out to the world that one, my Mom is great, and two, I love her.

I would also like to make special mention of my Mama Corazon, who if not for her, I wouldn't be here. And if not for her, I wouldn't have lived the life I am so blessed with right now. She made a sacrifice for me that only a Mother can do for her child. For this reason alone, and not due to conception, I love her.

Another mother to whom I owe a lot is the woman who took care of me when I was a baby- my Tita Fely. Memories of my childhood will always include her. My cousins Gray, Sisy and KC are all so blessed to have her as their mother.

Happy Mother's Day, too, to my cousins who are now Mothers: Karen (the brand-new Mama), Lea, Teena, Teene, Nang Rosie, Nang Haydee and my Manang Bing. Also to my friends who are Moms now and the ones who are about to be: Sheila, Marife, Marissa, my boss Ma'am Jen and co-worker Ma'am Linds, my mentor Ma'am Romil, Doydo, Lorena in Turkey, Chly in England and Naide in Chicago.

To all my Aunts on both my Mom and Dad's side of the family in Sagay, Manila, Bacolod, Cebu and USA, Happy Mother's Day to you all! There's too many of you to mention, but please know that I love each of you.

Oh I hate to leave out anyone but my memory isn't as sharp as it was before. So to those I've forgotten to mention here, you will have to forgive me. You have my persmission to berate me (by text , phone or email) so I can apologize, grovel and make special mention of you here.

Happy Mother's Day!


Anonymous May 11, 2008 at 1:27 AM  

thanks, ching. extend my greetings to your mom, ma'am jen & to ma'am lindy.

Rachelle May 11, 2008 at 9:57 PM  

Hi Chly! That's you who left the comment above right? Thanks! Will send you an email thru friendster sometime this week. Send my regards to Matt and Loloy. Happy Mum's Day!

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