Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Test post on new blog design

Just a test post on this new blog design. I must have changed this blog's design more than 20 times today. Yes, I'm that fickle-minded. I blame my Mom for this irritating trait. It's in the genes, you see. 

I think the design sported by my blog now called Aspire is THE one. I really hope so. I'm getting tired of always changing my blog's look. Reminds me of those days when I can't decide on what to wear, when nothing just seems to look right. 

I like designs that are clean and organized. Minimal. Posts and elements are partitioned off and I want one that will highlight my posts. I don't like crowded designs, with sidebars that compete with what I have to say. 

Don't get me wrong, I like widgets. But only when they're at a minimum. I absolutely adhere to the belief that less is more. 

With that said, I have a strong feeling I will be using this design for a long time. 

More posts to come, peeps. Stay smart and be safe!

PS- Happy Birthday to my cousin Gray! May you be blessed with more of the best things that life has to offer. Love yah!


Unknown May 9, 2008 at 10:59 PM  

Wow! I finally got around to seeing your blog, and I am impressed.

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