In case you need a good laugh today, I am posting here (see below) an amusing collection of e-mails from this website. An ISP systems administrator posted emails from unsuspecting users who responded to MAILER-DAEMON's bounced-back notifications. It got me in stitches when I read it.
For the record, MAILER-DAEMON is a software and not a breathing, living person. A daemon (DEE-mun or DAY-mun) is a process that works behind the scenes on an internet server. Among its many tasks is to track your e-mails and inform you if they were not delivered. The term is taken from Greek mythology where a daemon is a guardian spirit.
You get bounced-back notifications from MAILER-DAEMON either because you sent the email to an incorrect address or the recipient's email address is no longer valid (more info here).
People who are newbies to the world of technology often make the common mistake of replying to bounced email messages, believing that MAILER-DAEMON is a person. Of course they are forgiven for thinking that. I once thought the same, too, although I never got around to sending a reply. But still, some of the messages they sent to MAILER-DAEMON that are posted on the website are just too funny you can't help but laugh at it. Especially Idiot #22!
PS- Names have been changed to protect the unwitting :-)
May 26- I removed the succeeding posts here as it somehow messed up the formatting of my previous posts. So please head on to if you are in dire need of a laugh today ;-)
For the record, MAILER-DAEMON is a software and not a breathing, living person. A daemon (DEE-mun or DAY-mun) is a process that works behind the scenes on an internet server. Among its many tasks is to track your e-mails and inform you if they were not delivered. The term is taken from Greek mythology where a daemon is a guardian spirit.
You get bounced-back notifications from MAILER-DAEMON either because you sent the email to an incorrect address or the recipient's email address is no longer valid (more info here).
People who are newbies to the world of technology often make the common mistake of replying to bounced email messages, believing that MAILER-DAEMON is a person. Of course they are forgiven for thinking that. I once thought the same, too, although I never got around to sending a reply. But still, some of the messages they sent to MAILER-DAEMON that are posted on the website are just too funny you can't help but laugh at it. Especially Idiot #22!
PS- Names have been changed to protect the unwitting :-)
May 26- I removed the succeeding posts here as it somehow messed up the formatting of my previous posts. So please head on to if you are in dire need of a laugh today ;-)
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