Yummy theme
Now, isn't this simply yummy? My super yummy-licious template is from the wonderful Gisele Jaquenod whose templates for Blogger (and Wordpress) are simply lovely! If you visit her website, you will know what I mean.
I am one of those people who place high marks on packaging. I simply can't stand a boring design. I have tweaked this blog's design for like..oh I don't know, a hundred times maybe. In fact, chances are high when you visit my blog next week, it will sport another new theme! I have relentlessly searched for a blog design that fits what I want. I like it clean. I like it whimsical. I like it stylish and chic. I don't want a three or four-column layout. I want one which will put my writing and photos on the spotlight. I want a layout that breathes and doesn't stifle my words and photos. I want one that's minimalistic with a pop of color.
So far, this birdie theme from Giesele Jaquenod fits what I'm looking for. With a design like this, I'm simply inspired to keep writing! It reflects the impulsiveness that I have a tendency for, and my love for pink and chocolates ;-).
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